Dear friends,

As soon as March lopes in, your faces start to get a little clearer, your dearness more acute. One more push into spring and will be entering the marvellous back at Camp Kieve for another year. Amazing.

I wanted you to know my movements will be a little front ended this time. You’ll get just as much story and rumination, but in the first half. Unfortunately I can only attend the beginning of the week. Occasionally these things can’t be avoided. The old timers know this. However, I will be adding more workshops than I normally teach as well as the main story, to ensure that the lip smackingly mythic will be having its way with you. There will be questions to carry for the full week. I’m particularly excited about the theme this year, and the extraordinary body of teachers—old and new—who are coming to join in the scrum with us. I will bring all I have.

Another year packed to capacity. In times like these, that is a vivid sign of health.

Good cheer,


Martin Shaw














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