Dear friends, As soon as March lopes in, your faces start to get a little clearer, your dearness more acute. One more push into spring and will be entering the marvellous back at Camp Kieve for another year. Amazing. I wanted you to know my movements will be a little front ended this time. You’ll […]
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The Huntress An Inuit story. A telling by Martin Shaw. There was a woman who dreamt of the sea. Back when there was a village called Tikeraq, there lived a man and a woman. But it’s not really their story I’m telling. It’s their daughter’s story I’m telling. She was a huntress, famed for both her […]
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An excerpt from a forthcoming interview in OYA online magazine. Consider gathering with Tony Hoagland and Dr. Martin Shaw mid-Decemeber in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Details here. ….Many of us are lonely. And not because we need a new therapy, or mantra, or clever idea, we are lonely because we don’t speak to each […]
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The Listener From the Seneca story: Haton-dos, the Listener. A telling by Martin Shaw. There was once a boy making trouble in the village. There’s always a boy making trouble in the village. He was sent to the hut of his uncle, a place where the settlement drifted into the vastness of the dark forest. One […]
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Snowy Tower A book talk by Martin Shaw In Snowy Tower, Dr. Martin Shaw continues his trilogy of works on the relationship between myth, wilderness, and a culture of wildness. In this second book, he gives a telling of the Grail epic Parzival. Claiming it as a great trickster story of medieval Europe, he offers […]
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The Crow-King and the Red-Bead Woman A Yakut Folktale telling by Martin Shaw *** What follows is the bones of the Crow-King story and then a stanzas version that is arising from the actual experience of telling the story over the last months. Both should give you a good feel for its disclosures. *** There […]
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Combing the Dragons Hair: The Earth-Gnome A version by Martin Shaw There was once an elderly King with three daughters. As he grew towards the end of his life, he became obsessed with an apple tree in the center of his garden, that, when harvest came, produced perfect, blood red apples. He loved those apples, […]
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Sending A Voice Written by Martin Shaw As I sit by the window looking out at the spluttering rain that seems to constitute a Devon spring, it seems hard to conceive that in just six weeks it will be time for the 39th Great Mother Conference. After an autumn and winter where the conference seemed […]
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The Woman With The Gold Between Her Teeth The Four Tasks of Desire A letter by Martin Shaw The Great Mother Conference June 1st-9th 2013 “Between my breasts there are quails, they must think I’m a tree. The swans think I’m a fountain, they all come down and drink when I talk” -Gloria Fuertes We live […]
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