The Crow-King and the Red-Bead Woman

The Crow-King and the Red-Bead Woman A Yakut Folktale telling by Martin Shaw *** What follows is the bones of the Crow-King story and then a stanzas version that is arising from the actual experience of telling the story over the last months. Both should give you a good feel for its disclosures. *** There […]

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Tour Camp Kieve

A Walk around Camp Kieve A photo tour by KieveWavus

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Combing the Dragons Hair: The Earth-Gnome

Combing the Dragons Hair: The Earth-Gnome A version by Martin Shaw There was once an elderly King with three daughters. As he grew towards the end of his life, he became obsessed with an apple tree in the center of his garden, that, when harvest came, produced perfect, blood red apples. He loved those apples, […]

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Inside this Clay Jug

Inside this Clay Jug A poem by Kabir, Translation by Robert Bly Inside this clay jug there are canyons and pine mountains, and the maker of canyons and pine mountains! All seven oceans are inside, and hundreds of millions of stars. The acid that tests gold is here, and the one who judges jewels. And […]

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2014 Reading List

Book Title Author The Souls Code James Hillman The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration Edward Hirsch Folk Tales from Russia Olga Shartse The Earth-Gnome Wanda Gag Stealing Sugar From the Castle Robert Bly The Golden Age of Folk and Fairy  Tales: from Brothers Grimm to Andrew Lang Jack Zipes […]

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Sending a Voice

Sending A Voice Written by Martin Shaw As I sit by the window looking out at the spluttering rain that seems to constitute a Devon spring, it seems hard to conceive that in just six weeks it will be time for the 39th Great Mother Conference. After an autumn and winter where the conference seemed […]

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The Woman With The Gold Between Her Teeth

The Woman With The Gold Between Her Teeth The Four Tasks of Desire  A letter by Martin Shaw The Great Mother Conference June 1st-9th 2013 “Between my breasts there are quails, they must think I’m a tree. The swans think I’m a fountain, they all come down and drink when I talk” -Gloria Fuertes We live […]

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Requests for Toy Piano

  Requests for Toy Piano A poem by Tony Hogland Play the one about the family of the ducks where the ducks go down to the river and one of them thinks the water will be cold but then they jump in anyway and like it and splash around. No, I must play the one […]

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2013 Reading List

Book Title Author Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine Erich Neumann Alchemy of the Soul: The Eros and Psyche Myth as a Guide to Transformation Martin Lowenthal The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man Marie-Louise Von Franz The Myth of Analysis James Hillman The Moon and the […]

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