Stealing Sugar from the Castle

Stealing Sugar from the Castle A poem by Robert Bly We are poor students who stay after school to study joy. We are like those birds in the India mountains. I am a widow whose child is her only joy. The only thing I hold in my ant-like head Is the builder’s plan of the […]

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Bougainvillea A Poem by Matthew Dickman I like the inner lives of the silverware; the fork, the spoon, the knife. I appreciate how they each have a different reference toward god, how the fork is Muslim, the spoon, like a stone, is Buddhist, how the knife is Roman Catholic— always worried, always having a hard time forgiving people, the knife kneeling down in […]

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The Raven of Chaw Gully

Walking the Story A Story by Martin Shaw What follows is a ‘walking the story’ – Martin Shaw walking the land (in this case Dartmoor National Park in England) – covering a physical geography that features in the Devon folktale; ‘The Raven of Chaw Gully’. It is part of a wider forthcoming book where he […]

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How This Wealth Came to Be

How This Wealth Came to Be A Poem by Robert Bly It’s hard to know how all this wealth came to be. Ishmael was not created from a fight with a whale. The ocean is not wild enough to have created Melville’s soul. The hungry one in us did not come from seed. Our old […]

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Unraveling Magic

How can we possibly unravel the package enough to allow the magic to weave each one of us together? It doesn’t feel like it’s been two months since I have had to tell everyone to move their cars to the bottom of the hill but it does make me think of a common thread. Once […]

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Growing Wings

Growing Wings A Poem by Robert Bly It’s all right if Cezanne goes on painting the same picture. It’s all right if juice tastes bitter in our mouths. It’s all right if the old man drags one useless foot. The apple on the Tree of Paradise hangs there for months. We wait for years and […]

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Video: Friend Hope for the Guest While You Are Alive

Robert Bly Reads Kabir in 2011 Accompanied by Marcus Wise on tabla and David Whetstone on sitar. Friend, Hope for the Guest While You Are Alive Friend, hope for the Guest while you are alive. Jump into experience while you are alive! Think… and think… while you are alive. What you call ‘salvation’ belongs to […]

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Video: Call and Answer

Call and Answer A poem by Robert Bly Tell me why it is we don’t lift our voices these days And cry over what is happening. Have you noticed The plans are made for Iraq and the ice cap is melting? I say to myself: “Go on, cry. What’s the sense Of being an adult […]

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What Was Said to the Rose

What Was Said to the Rose A Poem by Jalaluddin Rumi, Translation by Coleman Barks What was said to the rose that made it open
was said to me here in my chest. What was told the Cypress that made it strong
and straight, what was whispered the jasmine so it is what it is, whatever made
sugarcane […]

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