Support the Great Mother Conference
Help Keep the Great Mother Conference Accessible!
We need your help.
We’re raising money for this amazing Conference on the Mythopoetic Imagination because, like so many other arts and community-making events and endeavors, the state of the world has caught up with us. Our venue costs have unexpectedly gone up by a much greater margin that we had anticipated. We are deeply committed to keeping the fee for this week long experience low - it's currently one of the only week long art events of its kind, and even at our new rates, it’s much less than anything else out there even remotely like it. We want anyone to be able to attend this unique and incredible, intimate, wonder-full, immersive experience, regardless of what kind of financial means they may have access to. We are artists and musicians and poets and storytellers, mostly existing outside of the boxes that capitalism pours into. We want to keep being the nurturing and nourishing space that we have been without having to enact financial barriers in order to continue to exist.
To meet these new challenges, we are working to do significant fundraising. The funds raised will go to help cover some of the gap that has widened between our means and our costs. We run an incredibly lean, mostly volunteer organization. This ask doesn't cover all of what we will need, but we are starting small and leaning into the generosity of friends and strangers as we find our next steps in this new territory.
With your help, we believe that the Great Mother Conference can reach this goal and keep alive the beautiful, imaginative, wild, explorative, celebratory deep work that Robert Bly and friends started fifty years ago, for EVERYONE, regardless of means.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference, truly. We are so grateful. Come join us in May! We'll meet you by the lake. Much love.