Events of the Week
The Conference closes out the week with a celebration of beauty and feasting: a large banquet, complete with tables decorated by attendees and everyone dressed in their finest finery. There’s no such thing as going “too all-out” for this soiree, so be sure to bring something dazzling!
Art Gallery Opening
All are invited to bring their own art for display the GMC Art Gallery. This includes your own crafted paintings, sculptures, photographs, collages, jewelry, or whatever else you decide is art! Pieces will be curated by the gallery director and gallery assistants into a final gallery exhibition. Proceeds from sales are split between the artist and the Conference. Learn more.
Silent Auction
Give new homes to your clothes, jewelry, books, typewriters, musical instruments, or whatever you deem worthy for the annual Silent Auction. All proceeds from the Silent Auction go to supporting the Conference.