Exhibitions & Performances

The Conference is a community of artists and scholars! Throughout the week, these spaces and events transpire to celebrate and elevate our work, both independently and together:


During the week, the Conference sets up a bookstore at camp to celebrate and to sell the work of our teachers, mentors, favorite poets and favorite scholars, and our attendees. Books are sold on a commission of 70/30, with 70% of proceeds going to the author and 30% going to support the Conference.

Art Gallery

The Conference Art Gallery is a living space, one of the most beloved of the week’s happenings that features a wide variety of the art by our attendees. The Art Gallery kicks off with an elegant party (don’t forget to dress up!), plays host to talks and workshops, and transforms over the course of the week. Art is sold on a commission of 70/30, with 70% of proceeds going to the artist and 30% going to support the Conference.


All during the course of the Conference, music acts as an essential lifeblood. From impromptu jams by late-night fires, to formal performances of Indian classical music sometimes spanning the entire length between moonrise to sunrise, to jazzy riffs accompanying the art gallery’s open doors, to morning singing flanked by morning drums, music is a constant of the Conference. Bring your instruments and songs!

Movement & Dance

Movement is essential not only to the Conference but to everything in life! Like dance itself, movement at the Conference takes on many forms: from raucous samba to Dances of Universal Peace, to body-grounding guided movement, from dancing to a live band or dj to long walks along the peninsula, listening to the wind in the trees, birdsong, and the water talking to the shore.

Community Making

Both community-making and making with a community! The Conference has seen a multitude of collaborative projects spontaneously arise throughout the week.

Poetry Salon

There are different ways to share poetry: some poems live on pages, some inside memory - some are performed on stage, others recited. The Poetry Salon (affectionately dubbed the “Poetry Saloon”) is a daily occurrence, in which anyone and everyone is encouraged to bring a poem to share with a broader group in an informal setting.

Emergent Art Spaces

The plan for the week’s activities are a general vessel in which to root the flowers of spontaneous creativity. There may be sudden dance parties, sudden lakeside rituals, that court the land in a way that cannot be planned for, that bristle at premeditation. As such, there is always space at the Conference for the previously unimagined, for spaces that can only happen at the time and in the place.