Register for the 2025 Conference

We’re thrilled you’re coming to the Conference!

To accommodate as many attendees as possible, the Conference offers several tiers of registration, each of which are described below. Details about our Youth Program and registration for the Shuttle that transports attendees from the Portland Airport to camp can also be found below.

General Registration

General Registration grants access to the entirety of the Conference without the additional responsibilities required by Work Study or Scholarships. General Registration is offered on a fixed sliding scale, offering three tiers of fees.

Payment plans are available for all tiers of General Registration. To set up a payment plan, select “Payment Plan” from the registration form. 2-month plans will be available until April 1.

Supported Registration

Cost: $1500.00

The Supported tier is offered in an effort to keep one option as close as possible the former fee before recent cost increases. If you do not have the means to pay the new full registration price, or have already donated and met your limit, please consider this option. This tier is does not fully cover the actual cost and is partially funded by generous donations from the community - perhaps even by you!

Full Registration

Cost: $2500.00

The Full Registration tier covers the entire cost of putting on the conference for one full pay attendee, at $2500/person for room and board and the full cost of programming. If you are able to choose this amount to support our continued programing, please consider paying full price.

Sponsorship Registration

Cost: $5000.00

The Sponsorship tier of registration is intended for those with the capacity to give above the cost of one individual's attendance, in order to sponsor the attendance of others who may not otherwise have access. All funds above the actual cost of your attendance go toward the GMC Financial Aid Fund. We thank you for considering this tier if you have the means.

Youth Registration is found under Financial Aid options.

Financial Aid

If the General Registration tiers are too cost-prohibitive for you, GMC offers other supported ways to attend. We also offer payment plans so that attendees may pay attendance fees in installments.

Work Study

Cost: $775.00

Work Study application fee: $300.00 with application registration

Balance upon grant: $475.00 (paid upon Work Study grant)

If you are not awarded a Work Study position, the $300 application fee may either be applied towards the cost of a General Registration, or will be refunded to you if you choose not to attend.

The Work Study program offers a lower cost of entry in exchange for taking on essential tasks during the Conference. To obtain a Work Study grant, applicants must submit an application. If chosen to receive a Work Study grant, recipients are assigned to roles to perform tasks integral to keeping the Conference running and to support our time together, such as:

  • Setting up and breaking down the main room for morning and evening program

  • Ensuring cabin facilities are well-stocked with paper products, etc

  • Installing exhibitions in the art gallery

  • Helping run the Conference bookstore


Cost: $300.00

Scholarships are available only for first-time attendees. Your application fee will be refunded if we cannot award a Scholarship.

GMC Scholarship programs offer the lowest financial barrier to entry. It is intended for those who cannot feasibly cover the Work Study fee and are awarded based on financial need. Scholarships are funded by generous donations from the GMC community - maybe by you!

Scholarship recipients are asked to participate in tasks at the opening of the Art Gallery and assisting with decorating for the Banquet at the end of the week.

The Harold Shapiro Memorial Scholarship application is available for attendees 50 years of age or older. The relevant application question is available within the main scholarship form.

Additional Registration

In addition to regular registration, we also offer a Youth Program for children attending the Conference.

There is also a Shuttle that transports attendees between Camp Wavus and the Portland Jetport.

Youth Registration

Cost: $575.00

This is the Full Registration cost for youth under 18 years old. Anyone 18 years and older should register via one of the categories above. All Conference activities, including Youth Program, are included. Youths must be registered by a parent or guardian who will be attending the conference with them.

Payment plans

2-month payment plan options are available within registration forms through April 1.


Requests for registration refunds prior to April 15, 2025 will be honored in full, minus a $3.75% USD credit card processing fee. No refunds are issued after April 15, 2025.